Аромадиффузор для дому та авто 160 мл Одекалон

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Product Code: 2456
SKU: 2456
₴349 грн.
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Aroma diffuser for home and car "Odekalon", 160 ml

  • Volume: 160 ml, perfect for long-lasting use.
  • Aromatic profile:
    • Top note: Lemon, grapefruit, black currant - freshness and citrus lightness.
    • Middle note: Nutmeg, rose, incense - warm spices and floral shades.
    • Base note: Leather, patchouli, musk - depth and longevity of the scent.
  • Versatility: Suitable for use in home and car.
  • Design: Elegant and modern, fits into any interior or car salon.
  • Duration of action: Effective distribution of aroma, ensures constant freshness.
  • Ease of use: Easy to install and maintain.
  • Safety: Made from high-quality, environmentally friendly materials.

The "Odekalon" aroma diffuser is perfect for creating a unique atmosphere with exquisite scents.

Аромат Одекалон
Вид Аромадифузор
Країна-виробник товару China
Ноти Верхня нота: лимон, грейпфрут, чорна смородина Середня нота: мускатний горіх, троянда, ладан Базова нота: шкіра, пачулі, мускус
Обʼєм 160 мл

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